Lambeth GP Food Cooperative
We collaborated with this innovative project in its earliest days, building new food growing spaces and running regular sessions across Lambeth. Participating GPs would prescribe gardening activities for patients struggling with physical or mental health problems.
Most participants were elderly or not working due to ill health. Most were socially isolated and doing little physical activity. For nine months of each year we would grow food at their GP surgery or, in one case, in the grounds of Kings College Hospital.
This sort of social prescribing project is an increasingly important element of NHS practice, and we are always keen to explore new opportunities to work with healthcare professionals to harness the therapeutic power of the natural world.
Year: 2014 - 2019
Client: Lambeth GP Food Cooperative
Duration: 5 years
Purpose: To improve the health of vulnerable citizens without recourse to pharmaceuticals or talking therapies. To improve their health and wellbeing through growing food collaboratively, getting outside for some light physical activity, learning new things, contributing to shared goals and enjoying the delicious fruits of a shared endeavour!